Mycoplasma Testing

The IDENTIFICA Mycoplasma Detection service allows the screening of cell cultures or reagents for the presence of mycoplasma DNA.

Mycoplasma is one of the most prevalent and serious microbial contaminants encountered in cell culture and in the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals. The contamination can lead to erroneous results and unnecessary costs for laboratories. The best strategy to avoid these bacteria is through routine testing to quickly identify contaminated cultures and reagents.

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Contact us for information on how to prepare the sample or request our sampling kit. We guarantee results on different sample.

We use conventional PCR approaches with universal primers for the specific amplification of conserved regions in the 16S ribosomal RNA genes of the Mycoplasma genome.

You receive a report with the result of the PCR test in our samples.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
Mycoplasma image: CDC/ James Mosley